The Artistic Residencies Programme is the core of the C.IN.E.. The space is made available to companies, creators, collectives or Performing Arts researchers for the development of creative residences.
The Centre provides the physical space and support to the residents. As a contribution to the project, the commitment of the resident company is to offer an open session, work in progress showing or premiere, followed by a feedback session or colloquium with the public in accordance with the Audience Development Programme (scroll down for more details).
The 2024 Residency Programme is supported by Consell de Mallorca, Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics and the Island Connect network, which in turn is supported by Creative Europe.
Thanks to the support of various local and regional entities, such as the Institut Ramon Llull (IRL) or the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics (IEB), the C.IN.E. runs an intense Internationalization Program that has allowed the organization to create networks with several creation centers in the world and to boost the Balearic companies' knowledge of other markets, which promotes their competitiveness and enables them to develop residencies and projects abroad.
Currently the C.IN.E. is a member of IETM, International network for contemporary performing arts, a network of over 450 performing arts organisations and individual members working in the contemporary performing arts worldwide.
On the other hand, in 2017, the C.IN.E. founded, together with the organizations BIRCA (Denmark) and Domino Association (Croatia), the ISLAND CONNECT network for the exchange of residencies.
The C.IN.E. is also a partner of the project CIRC AU CARRÉ, a crossed residencies program run by La Central del Circ (Barcelona) together with La Grainerie (Toulouse) and La Verrerie (Alès), with the support of the Euroregion Pirineus-Mediterrània.
The C.IN.E. does not disregard the audience, so the organization engages it through Public Development Programmes. This way, audience is not only involved in the result of an art piece, but also in the creative process. This program is articulated from the idea of generating spaces where work processes can be visible and open and then initiating a dialogue about research and artistic practice. The most common way this program takes is the different work in progress showings, where a feed-back is generated by the audience.
Another of the most successful experiences in this field is La Nit Canalla*, an evening of theatrical creation for young people between 15 and 25 years old that takes place within the framework of the Ciclop festival.
*based on "LA NIT MÉS LLARGA", a C. C. Parc Sandaru project (Barcelona).
Another axis of the C.IN.E.'s project is the training and accompaniment of performing arts professionals. The center understands the profession as a permanent recycling, and therefore organizes and hosts several research laboratories, masterclasses or specialized workshops.
This program is collected during the Ciclop festival, offering in every edition a workshop by a Performing Arts professional and aimed at professionals and non professionals.
visual theatre festival OF SINEU, CICLOP
The C.IN.E. is the main venue for the Visual Theatre Festival of Sineu, Ciclop, an event that the association co-organizes together with the municipality of the village and with the collaboration of many institutions and local organisations.
Every year in mid-September, Sineu is the place to see risky scenic proposals, going from non-text theater, circus, dance, performances to participatory and social projects.
The festival, which has every year a different focus region or country, is also a meeting point for new Balearic creations and includes the C.IN.E.'s core programs by showing works in progress, training workshops or social and audience development projects such as participatory pieces or La Nit Canalla.